Yes, But Is it Art? Gallery

Portrait of the Artist As A Slightly Older Man.

October 2, 2000. A new dawn, and a new day. Michael F. Nyiri, human being, artist, poet, philosopher, and fool, awakes to a new day, and sees that it is good. He showers, taking a bit too long as usual, sighs, steps out of the tub, and towels himself off. All of this is a daily ritual, and an act of art. Each moment of each day is filled with artistic intention, and Michael knew early in life that he would be an artistic influence in one way or another. Mother was an artistic talent, and that talent travelled downward in the gene pool to all three of her progeny. Daniel is a real artist, but since this is a website about me, I mean the artist Michael F. Nyiri, I feel somewhat at odds with myself if I don't talk about me. Ha Ha. No, all seriousness aside, the artist Michael Nyiri knew at this very young age that everything he ogled was in fact of artistic merit, and when he found out he could draw, then the sh*t really hit the fan. Mother praised him, and his brother Daniel, and his sister Mary Jo as well, and it was good. Michael graduated from pencil and crayon to colored pencil, and drew many many many drawings, cementing his love for and knowledge of art. Of course all of those drawings are gone now, and I certainly can't back up my claims, so I will do my best to showcase my talents (what, you might ask, are those) here.

The back ground, by the way, is from a true artist's painting. I will credit the artist Ellisor, for her painting from 2000 called "Portal".