Yes, But Is it Art?

An Eclectic Adventure into the Meaning of Art
Artist .| Philosophy. | Drawings | ComputerArt. | Photography.

This is the result of many years of planning. Here I present for you: The AllThingsMike Art Gallery. The artist, Michael F. Nyiri, of course is also the webmaster of AllThingsMike, and originally did put up a "joke" art gallery on the Komedy Page of the AllThingsMike website. But now, he (I) wish to further expand the capabilities of the medium. Just recently, I received the Adobe Pagemill website authoring tool, and am going to use it to create this first of what I hope are many pages on AllThingsMike. It will, of course, take a while to learn how to use the program, and until I know exactly what I am doing, the pickins will be rather lean, but then, as I slowly figure everything out, art will create itself, and my ongoing "electronic experiment in art" will unfold in these pages.

The first page here will introduce me. My photo (A composite using Micrografx Picture Publisher, and the background is an old self portrait in pencil, my old medium of choice.

This is only the beginning, and is the first site, by the way, created solely on my home computer, and not created with the Homestead Editor online. The site will be uploaded via Cute FTP and this should be the index page to my FortuneCity web account, if every thing works, which we shall see if it does or not.

Art is only an illusion of life

and life is only an illusion of art.....

The image to the right could be called an example of actual, or "real" art. It is a jpeg of a print (Kokopelli) by Ellisor, a real artist, and not a two bit comedian like myself. Throughout the years, I have questioned the ability to create art, and of course am using the computer to engage in a semblance of this creativity. But under no circumstances do I dare to call myself a real artist. That's why I will include some real art as well as what passes for my scribblings.

My passion is words. Read me at my Poetry website:

Well, It's been a couple of hours, and I'll have to figure out how to get this page onto the web next, but first, I want to publicly thank the artist Ellisor for being my muse in this endeavor, and inspiring me to create these pages.

MFN Oct.2,2000